N1mm logger plus setting up networked computers
N1mm logger plus setting up networked computers

n1mm logger plus setting up networked computers
  1. #N1mm logger plus setting up networked computers how to
  2. #N1mm logger plus setting up networked computers manuals
  3. #N1mm logger plus setting up networked computers install

Steve (N8AR) reported on the radios and antennas and conducted the debriefing. Larry (K8UT) reported on the N1MM Logger Plus networked computer logging software. You'll still have to setup your Station Data. We reconfigured the room for the program which was a presentation and debrief of our recent field day activity. The Select Network Protocol dialog box appears. Icom 7300 N1MM Logger Plus Setup - This tutorial will get the Icom 7300 SDR connected to the software. If TCP/IP Protocol already appears in the list box, proceed to the section Network Scanning Procedure. After you finish this step, proceed to the section Network Scanning Procedure.Ĭheck that TCP/IP Protocol is included in the Network Protocols: list box. Select Microsoft from Manufacturers box and TCP/IP from Network Protocols, and click OK.įollow the instructions displayed on the screen. The Select Network Component Type dialog box appears. If the TCP/IP protocol appears in the list box, proceed to the following section Network Scanning Procedure.

#N1mm logger plus setting up networked computers how to

Follow this link to find how to setting up the Real-Time Score Reporting in N1MM Logger+. Instead of checking a box on the Other tab of the Configurer to start it, it now has its own tab in the Configurer. After you finish this setup, proceed to Network Scanning Procedure.Ĭlick the Start button on the Windows task bar and point to Settings, then select Control Panel.ĭouble-click the Network icon in Control Panel.Ĭheck that TCP/IP protocol is included in the following network components are installed: list box. N1MM+ In N1MM Logger+, the Real-Time Score Reporting function has been integrated with the rest of the program.

n1mm logger plus setting up networked computers

Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the Network Protocol list box and click OK.Ĭheck that Internet Protocol is installed and click Close. Select Protocol from the list and click Add. The Select Network Component Type box appears.

n1mm logger plus setting up networked computers

Otherwise, proceed to step 5.Ĭlick Install. If the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) appears in the list box, proceed to Network Scanning Procedure. So long as each computer on the network is running in the same subnet, with the same version of N1MM Logger, and the same contest and multi-operator class in the Contest Setup, the network will be set up automatically. Right-click the My Network Places icon and select Properties.Ĭheck that Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is included in the Local Area Connection Properties list box. The N1MM+ network scheme also simplifies and automates the network setup. The instructions are the same, except as noted.Ĭlick Start, right-click My Network Places, and then select Properties. Screen shots for Windows 2000 are used in this section, so they may differ in appearance from what actually appears on your screen.

#N1mm logger plus setting up networked computers install

To install the TCP/IP protocol on the client computers on the network, follow the instructions below.

#N1mm logger plus setting up networked computers manuals

For installation procedures, refer to the corresponding manuals included with the card. Install the Network Interface Card and Network Interface Card (NIC) driver in the client computers. To allow networking, the client computers in the network require a Network Interface Card and a Network Interface Card (NIC) driver.

N1mm logger plus setting up networked computers